What Benahavis has to offer:

A few quotes and pictures from articles regarding Benahavis

The BBC Holiday programme called Benahavis 'as close to Paradise as you can get' and you realise why the normally conservative BBC became, for them, ‘enraptured with Benahavis’

‘Wealthy foreigners, the 'jet set' as they were known, desiring peace and tranquility but only wanting to be a few minutes from the socialite scene of Banus, spotted Benahavis and, almost overnight, it became a desirable place to live. The local families, not slow to spot an opportunity, opened one restaurant after another to cater for them. The gliteratti thought it was wonderful, or at least a contrast to the swish designer restaurants on the Costa and it became fashionable to eat in Benahavis. Of such insignificant incidents is history made as Benahavis created its own strapline, 'The culinary centre of the Costa del Sol’.

‘Regardless of the time of year, it has long been a desirable retreat for those who live on the coast whether for a nice country walk or a meal of local specialities such as lamb, pork or fish washed down with a glass of Rioja’.

‘To many Andalucíans, native and expatriate alike, Benahavis is synonymous with food. It has the highest concentration of high class restaurants in the region and draws visitors by the thousand who come simply to savour the cuisine.’

‘It also has an expatriate community, who have all found its situation and ambience irresistible’.

‘It has remained remarkably unspoiled, with winding narrow streets and a picturesqueness which almost makes it seem like a specially-created film set’.

‘But its restaurants are its glory, and it celebrates the fact by describing itself on the road signs that guide you there as the gastronomic corner of Andalucía. If you plan to go there, breakfast lightly’.

And finally – please click this link for a short film on the Costa Del Sol.